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An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "it.dvel.rcf.profile.integration.model.impl.ProductImpl.getLineTitle(Locale)" threw an exception when invoked on it.dvel.rcf.profile.integration.model.impl.ProductImpl object "{uuid=7f946502-2764-c156-ebe7-500e8a41cf7f, productId=586, companyId=20101, groupId=20128, userId=20130, userName=Eighty Twenty, createDate=2021-11-02 15:28:01.0, modifiedDate=2025-01-16 10:07:02.003, code=STP0212, productTypeName=Passive/PA Speakers, name=L 2406T, nameSearchable=L2406T, urlTitle=l-2406t, subtitle=<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><root available-locales=\"en_US,it_IT,es_ES,fr_FR,de_DE\" default-locale=\"en_US\"><Subtitle language-id=\"en_US\">THREE-WAY SPEAKER COLUMN ARRAY</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"de_DE\">DREI-WEGE-SCHALLZEILE</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"es_ES\">COLUMNA ARRAY DE TRES VÍAS</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"fr_FR\">ENCEINTE COLONNE 3 VOIES</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"it_IT\">COLONNA SONORA TRE VIE</Subtitle></root>, description=<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><root available-locales=\"en_US,it_IT,es_ES,fr_FR,de_DE\" default-locale=\"en_US\"><Description language-id=\"en_US\">The L2406-T is a full range high intelligibility compact 3 way column speaker array with vertical controlled directivity for medium to large size installations. 
\nIt is equipped with six 5\" woofers and four 1\" dome tweeters mounted in front of the two central woofers. This particular design permits coherent sound dispersion minimizing lobing in a very compact enclosure. 
\nThe two central woofers are controlled differently from the other four because of the tweeters in front of them, in order to improve the directivity providing a true cardioid column operation.The wide coverage horizontal angle and the controlled vertical dispersion allow correct sound reproduction serving a wide area and assistance in limiting feedback and reverberated sound. A speech filter can be activated for enhancing the voice frequencies and improving speech intelligibility. The crossover is designed to avoid secondary lobing creation. Mounting accessories are provided and are designed to keep the column as close as possible to the wall and simplify the installation allowing suitable tilting. The L2406-T can be used connected to a low impedance amplifier to handle 200 W RMS power. It also includes a 60 W line transformer for 100 V systems. The crossover is equipped with a circuit to protect the four 1\" dome tweeters.</Description><Description language-id=\"de_DE\">Die L2406-T/L2406-T W ist eine 3-Wege Tonsäule mit einer kontrollierten vertikalen Abstrahlung für eine verbesserte Sprachverständlichkeit. Sie eignet sich ebenso für Sprach- als auch Musikwiedergabe. 
\nSie besitzt einen natürlichen hifidelen Klang und empfiehlt sich besonders für akustisch schwierige Räume oder bei architektonischen Bedingungen wo eine kontrollierte vertikale Abstrahlung gefordert ist. Die L2406-T ist mit sechs 5“ Woofern und vier 1“ Dome Tweetern ausgestattet. Die zentrale Anordnung der Hochtöner gewährleistet eine kohärente Schallverteilung, minimiert Sidelobes und bietet kompakte Abmessungen für einen professionellen Lautsprecher. Die interne Frequenzweiche hat eine hochwertige Schutzschaltung für die Hochtöner und ist speziell zur Vermeidung von sekundären Sidelobes hin optimiert. Die beiden zentralen Woofer sind unterschiedlich als die vier äußeren angeordnet und werden separat von der Frequenzweiche angesteuert, um eine echte zylinderförmige Schallausbreitung zu erhalten. Mit dem im Lieferumfang enthaltenem Wandhalter lässt sich die L2406 sehr eng an einer Wand installieren, trotzdem aber noch schwenken und neigen. Ebenfalls auf der Rückseite befindet sich der Wahlschalter für den Betrieb an einem 70 bzw. 100V- oder niederohmigem Lautsprechernetz.</Description><Description language-id=\"es_ES\">El L2406-T es un altavoz de columna de tres vías para array de rango completo y alta inteligibilidad con directividad vertical controlada, para instalaciones de medio a gran tamaño. Está equipado con seis woofers de 5\" y cuatro tweeters de cúpula de 1\" montados en frente de los dos woofers centrales. Este diseño particular permite una dispersión sonora coherente minimizando los lóbulos en una caja muy compacta. 
\nLos dos woofers centrales se controlan de manera diferente a los otros cuatro por los tweeters que tienen enfrente, para mejorar la directividad produciendo una configuración verdaderamente cardioide de la columna. El ancho ángulo de cobertura horizontal y la dispersión vertical controlada permiten una reproducción de sonido correcta para un área amplia y ayudan a limitar retroalimentación y sonido reverberado. Se puede activar un filtro de lenguaje para mejorar las frecuencias de la voz y con ello la inteligibilidad de lenguaje. El divisor está diseñado para evitar la creación de lóbulos secundarios. Los accesorios de montaje vienen incluidos y están diseñados para mantener la columna lo más cerca posible de la pared y facilitar la instalación permitiendo una inclinación adecuada. El L2406-T puede usarse conectado a un amplificador de baja impedancia para gestionar una potencia RMS de 200 W. También incluye un línea de 60W para sistemas de 100 V. El divisor está equipado con un circuito para proteger los cuatro tweeters de cúpula de 1\".</Description><Description language-id=\"fr_FR\">Le L2406-T est une enceinte colonne compacte 3 voies large bande à haute définition avec une directivité verticale contrôlée pour les installations de taille moyenne à grande. Il est équipé de six woofers 5\" et de quatre tweeters à dôme 1\" montés devant les deux woofers centraux. Cette conception spéciale assure la dispersion homogène du son en minimisant l'effet de lobing dans un coffret très compact. 
\nLes deux woofers centraux sont contrôlés différemment des quatre autres en raison des tweeters placés devant afin d'améliorer la directivité et d'assurer une dispersion réellement cardioïde. Pour les voix, on peut activer un filtre spécial qui affine les fréquences concernées et améliore l'intelligibilité des voix. Le filtre actif est conçu pour éviter la création d'un effet de lobing secondaire. Les accessoires de montage fournis permettent d'installer facilement la colonne au plus près du mur et, au besoin, de l'incliner. On peut alimenter le L2406-T avec un amplificateur à basse impédance délivrant 200 watts de puissance RMS. L'enceinte possède également un transformateur ligne de 60 watts pour systèmes 100 volts. Le filtre actif est doté d'un circuit de protection des quatre tweeters à dôme 1\".</Description><Description language-id=\"it_IT\">L 2406-T è un diffusore a colonna a 3 vie compatto a full-range ed elevata intelligibilità con direttività verticale controllata. 
\nGrazie a una riproduzione della voce molto naturale ed intelligibile e ad un’ottima qualità di riproduzione musicale, è la scelta ideale per diverse applicazioni fisse nelle quali il difficile ambiente acustico o i vincoli architettonici esigono il controllo della dispersione acustica verticale. È dotato di sei mid-woofer da 5” e di quattro tweeter a cupola da 1”. La sua costruzione a tweeter centrali montati davanti ai due woofer permette un’uniforme dispersione del suono che minimizza il lobing e consente un design molto compatto. I due mid-woofer centrali dietro i tweeter sono controllati in modo diverso dai quattro trasduttori per basse frequenze più esterni, fornendo così un funzionamento cardioide e migliorando la direttività. L’ampio angolo di copertura orizzontale e la dispersione verticale controllata permettono una corretta riproduzione del suono su una vasta zona ed aiuta a limitare il feedback ed il riverbero del suono. 
\nIl fascio sonoro risulta preinclinato di 5° consentendo di ridurre sensibilmente l’orientamento della colonna installata. È equipaggiata con un filtro per la riproduzione delle frequenze vocali permette una maggiore intelligibilità del parlato. Il crossover è studiato per evitare la creazione di lobing secondario ed è dotato di un circuito di protezione per i quattro tweeter a cupola da 1”. L’accessorio incluso per il montaggio a parete, è progettato per tenere la colonna il più vicino possibile al muro e semplificare l’installazione permettendone la necessaria inclinazione. L2406-T si puà collegare ad un amplificatore a bassa impedenza. In questo modo può gestire 200 W RMS di potenza. Comprende inoltre un trasformatore da 60 W per sistemi a 100 V.</Description></root>, type=PRODOTTO, accessoryTypeCode=, publication=RCF, ratio=100, readMoreURL=, youTubeVideos=, youTubeURL=, active=true}"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace. ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${relatedProduct.getLineTitle(locale)} [in template "20101#20128#819037" at line 171, column 73] ----
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")>
2<#assign journalArticleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data>
3<#assign journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil"]>
4<#assign assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil"]>
5<#assign articleResourcePK = journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil.getArticleResourcePrimKey(groupId, journalArticleId)/>
6<#assign categoryList=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle",articleResourcePK) >
7<#assign LayoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")>
8<#assign parentLayout = LayoutLocalService.getLayout(layout.getAncestorPlid()) />
9<#assign parentLayoutUrl = parentLayout.getFriendlyURL(locale) />
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11<#assign relatedArticles = rcfTemplateHelper.getRelatedAssets(journalArticle, 'com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', 'News Liferay 6.2') />
12<#assign relatedProducts = rcfTemplateHelper.getRelatedAssets(journalArticle, 'it.dvel.rcf.profile.integration.model.Product', '') />
14<div class="news-detail">
15 <div class="bg-white pb-5">
16 <div class="py-4 px-2 bg-lighter mb-7 to-back">
17 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl">
18 <a href="javascript: window.history.back();" class="d-flex align-items-center">
19 <i class="icon-arrow-right-custom"></i>
20 <span class="pl-3"><@liferay.language key="back" /></span>
21 </a>
22 </div>
23 </div>
24 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl px-4">
25 <div class="mb-2">
26 <span class="font-weight-medium category mr-3">
27 <#list categoryList as category>
28 <span class="pr-3">${category.getName()}</span>
29 </#list>
30 </span>
31 <span class="date">
32 <#setting time_zone = languageUtil.get(locale, "template-timezone") />
33 <#assign originalLocale = locale />
34 <#setting locale = localeUtil.getDefault() />
35 <#assign displaydate = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data>
36 <#assign displaydate = displaydate?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")>
37 <#setting locale = originalLocale />
38 ${displaydate?string["dd MMM yyyy"]}
39 </span>
40 </div>
42 <#if (FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013.getData())??>
43 <h1 class="mb-4 font-family-narrow-normal px-0">${FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013.getData()}</h1>
44 </#if>
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47 <div class="mb-6">
48 <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme" id="owl-carousel-hp">
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50 <div class="slide d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" style="background-image:url(${cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688.getData()})">
51 </div>
52 </#list>
53 </div>
54 </div>
55 <div class="d-none">
56 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.Upload45315688.getSiblings() as cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688>
57 <img src="${cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688.getData()}" />
58 </#list>
59 </div>
60 </#if>
63 <div class="d-md-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mb-md-9 mb-5">
64 <div class="social h6 mb-0 py-2 pl-2 mb-3 mb-md-0">
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66 <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=${currentUrl}&title=${FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013.getData()}" class="px-2" target="_blank">
67 <i class="icon-linkedin-custom px-1"></i>
68 </a>
69 <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=${currentUrl}" class="px-2" target="_blank">
70 <i class="icon-facebook-custom px-1"></i>
71 </a>
72 <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=${currentUrl}" class="px-2" target="_blank">
73 <i class="icon-twitter-custom px-1"></i>
74 </a>
75 </div>
76 </div>
77 </div>
78 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl px-md-7 px-lg-9 px-4">
79 <#if FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.getSiblings()?has_content>
80 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.getSiblings() as node>
81 <div class="mb-md-7 mb-4">
82 <#if (FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.Text94801507.getData())??>
83 <h6 class="mb-md-6 mb-4">${node.Text94801507.getData()}</h6>
84 </#if>
85 <#if (node.RichText63313118.getData())??>
86 <div class="mb-md-7 mb-4 paragraph font-family-narrow-normal">
87 ${node.RichText63313118.getData()}
88 </div>
89 </#if>
90 <#if (node.RichText45781737.getData())??>
91 <div class="row mb-md-7 mb-4">
92 <#if (node.Image42436245.getData())?? && node.Image42436245.getData() != "">
93 <div class="col-md-8 mb-4 mb-md-0">
94 <img alt="${node.Image42436245.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${node.Image42436245.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${node.Image42436245.getData()}" class="w-100"/>
95 </div>
96 <#if (node.RichText45781737.getData())?? && node.RichText45781737.getData() != "">
97 <div class="col-md-4 font-family-narrow-normal">
98 ${node.RichText45781737.getData()}
99 </div>
100 </#if>
101 <#else>
102 <#if (node.RichText45781737.getData())?? && node.RichText45781737.getData() != "">
103 <div class="col-md-12 font-family-narrow-normal">
104 ${node.RichText45781737.getData()}
105 </div>
106 </#if>
107 </#if>
108 </div>
109 </#if>
110 <#if (node.Text34883111.getData())?? && node.Text34883111.getData() != "">
111 <div class="blockquote font-family-narrow-normal position-relative mb-7">
112 ${node.Text34883111.getData()}
113 </div>
114 </#if>
115 </div>
116 </#list>
117 </#if>
118 <#if FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup17972647.getData() !=''>
119 <div class="mb-md-7 mb-4">
120 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup17972647.getSiblings() as node>
121 <div class="mb-2">
122 <#if (node.Text21652173.getData())??>
123 <a target="_blank" href="${node.Text21652173.getData()}" class="d-flex align-items-center font-family-narrow-normal">
124 <i class="icon-download-custom mr-3 h5 font-weight-normal mb-0"></i>
125 <#if node.Text31160069.getData() !=''>
126 ${node.Text31160069.getData()}
127 <#else>
128 <@liferay.language key="download" />
129 </#if>
130 </a>
131 </#if>
132 </div>
133 </#list>
134 </div>
135 </#if>
136 </div>
137 </div>
139 <#if relatedProducts?has_content>
140 <div class="bg-lighter">
141 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl pt-7 pb-8 px-4">
142 <h5 class="font-weight-normal mb-5 text-center secondary"><@liferay.language key="related-products" /></h5>
143 <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme" id="owl-carousel-rel-prod">
144 <#list relatedProducts as relatedProduct>
145 <#assign productFeatures = relatedProduct.getProductFeatures(true) />
146 <#assign productBadges2 = relatedProduct.getBadges(2) />
147 <#assign productBadges1 = relatedProduct.getBadges(1) />
149 <div class="related-news related-prod mb-4 mb-md-0 h-100">
150 <div class="bg-white h-100 p-5 position-relative rounded-sm d-flex flex-column">
151 <#if productBadges2?has_content>
152 <#assign productStatusStyle = productBadges2[0].getBackColor() />
153 <div class="status px-4 mb-5 pt-3" style="border-color:${productStatusStyle}!important">
154 <#list productBadges2 as productBadge2>
155 <div class="border-0 badge" style="color: ${productBadge2.getBackColor()}">${productBadge2.getCode()}</div>
156 </#list>
157 </div>
158 </#if>
159 <div class="image d-flex align-items-end mb-5">
160 <a data-senna-off="true" href="${portal.getLayoutFullURL(relatedProduct.getFirstAvailableLayout(rcfCurrentPublication), themeDisplay)}" class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
161 <img src="${relatedProduct.getFirstAvailableCoverImageURL(rcfCurrentPublication, themeDisplay)}" class="w-100" />
162 </a>
163 </div>
164 <div class="status normal mb-4 pt-3">
165 <#list productBadges1 as productBadge1>
166 <div class="border-0 badge" style="background-color: ${productBadge1.getBackColor()}; color: ${productBadge1.getFontColor()};">${productBadge1.getCode()}</div>
167 </#list>
168 </div>
169 <div class="mb-4">
170 <div class="meta font-weight-medium underline mb-3">
171 ${relatedProduct.getLineTitle(locale)}
172 </div>
173 <h4 class="font-weight-medium mb-3 text-uppercase">${relatedProduct.name}</h4>
174 <p class="mb-3 font-weight-medium text-uppercase">${relatedProduct.getSubtitle(locale)}</p>
175 <small class="mb-3 font-family-narrow-normal d-block">
176 <ul class="mb-5 font-family-narrow-normal px-0">
177 <#list productFeatures as productFeature>
178 <li>${productFeature.getTitle(locale)}
179 </#list>
180 </ul>
181 </small>
182 </div>
183 <div class="mt-auto">
184 <#if relatedProduct.hasLayout(rcfCurrentPublication)>
185 <a data-senna-off="true" href="${portal.getLayoutFullURL(relatedProduct.getFirstAvailableLayout(rcfCurrentPublication), themeDisplay)}" class="btn btn-link-normal">
186 <@liferay.language key="learn-more" />
187 </a>
188 </#if>
189 </div>
190 </div>
191 </div>
192 </#list>
193 </div>
194 </div>
195 </div>
196 </#if>
198 <#if relatedArticles?has_content>
199 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl pt-8 pb-4 px-4">
200 <h5 class="font-weight-normal mb-5 text-center"><@liferay.language key="other" /> <@liferay.language key="news" /></h5>
201 <div class="row pt-7">
202 <#list relatedArticles as relatedArticle>
203 <#assign categoryListEntry=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle",relatedArticle.resourcePrimKey) >
204 <#assign imageURL = rcfTemplateHelper.getJournalArticleField(relatedArticle, locale, 'FieldsGroup52652497.Upload45315688', 'url') />
205 <#assign title = rcfTemplateHelper.getJournalArticleField(relatedArticle, locale, 'FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013') />
206 <#assign entryTitle = relatedArticle.getTitle(locale) />
207 <#if validator.isNull(title)>
208 <#assign title = entryTitle />
209 </#if>
210 <#assign summary = relatedArticle.getDescription(locale) />
211 <#assign text = rcfTemplateHelper.getJournalArticleField(relatedArticle, locale, 'FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.RichText63313118') />
212 <#if validator.isNull(summary)>
213 <#assign summary = text />
214 </#if>
215 <div class="col-md-6 related-news mb-5">
216 <div class="bg-white h-100">
217 <div class="image bg-secondary" style="background-image:url(${imageURL})">
218 </div>
219 <div class="p-5 pb-8">
220 <div class="meta">
221 <span class="font-weight-medium pr-3 text-uppercase">
222 <#list categoryListEntry as category>
223 ${category.getName()}
224 </#list>
225 </span>
226 <span>
227 ${relatedArticle.createDate?string["dd MMM yyyy"]}
228 </span>
229 </div>
230 <h6 class="font-weight-medium mb-3">
231 ${title}
232 </h6>
233 <small class="mb-5 font-family-narrow-normal d-block">${stringUtil.shorten(htmlUtil.stripHtml(summary), 250)}</small>
234 <a href="/-/${relatedArticle.urlTitle}" class="btn btn-link-normal">
235 <@liferay.language key="learn-more" />
236 </a>
237 </div>
238 </div>
239 </div>
240 </#list>
241 </div>
242 </div>
243 </#if>
246 var owl = $("#owl-carousel-hp").owlCarousel({
247 loop:true,
248 nav:false,
249 dots:true,
250 items:1
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252 $("#owl-carousel-rel-prod").owlCarousel({
253 margin:20,
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255 dots:true,
256 items:3,
257 responsive : {
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259 items:1
260 },
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262 items:2
263 },
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265 items:3
266 }
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272 @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 768px){
273 .news-detail #owl-carousel-hp .slide {
274 height:400px
275 }
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277 @media only screen and (max-width: 600px){
278 .news-detail #owl-carousel-hp .slide {
279 height:200px
280 }
281 }
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