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An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "it.dvel.rcf.profile.integration.model.impl.ProductImpl.getLineTitle(Locale)" threw an exception when invoked on it.dvel.rcf.profile.integration.model.impl.ProductImpl object "{uuid=ffb1754c-e452-1657-1583-22b2459858eb, productId=900, companyId=20101, groupId=20128, userId=20130, userName=Eighty Twenty, createDate=Tue Nov 02 15:48:05 GMT 2021, modifiedDate=Wed Sep 04 15:50:55 GMT 2024, code=STP0210, productTypeName=Passive/PA Speakers, name=HS 2200, nameSearchable=HS2200, urlTitle=hs-2200, subtitle=<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><root available-locales=\"en_US,it_IT,es_ES,fr_FR,de_DE\" default-locale=\"en_US\"><Subtitle language-id=\"en_US\">ARRAY SUBWOOFER</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"de_DE\">ARRAY-SUBWOOFER</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"es_ES\">ARRAY DE SUB-BAJOS</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"fr_FR\">ARRAY SUBWOOFER</Subtitle><Subtitle language-id=\"it_IT\">SUBWOOFER ARRAY</Subtitle></root>, description=<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><root available-locales=\"en_US,it_IT,es_ES,fr_FR,de_DE\" default-locale=\"en_US\"><Description language-id=\"en_US\">The HS 2200 is an array subwoofer system that incorporates a 18” woofer, 4.0” voice coil . The system is very compact and provides very high output and accurate voice and sound reproduction. The system is equipped with the latest generation of RCF precision transducers. Connections to the amplifier are made through a watertight Amphenol multi-pole connector. The grille is in custom perforated steel, epoxy coated, with open-cell fibres and water repellent woven fabric backing. The cabinet is constructed of multi-ply Baltic birch marine plywood and finished in a very resistant, textured, polyurea black paint.</Description><Description language-id=\"de_DE\">Der Array-Subwoofer HS 2200 verfügt über einen 18-Zoll-Tieftöner mit 4-Zoll-Schwingspule. Das äußerst kompakte System mit RCF Precision Schallwandlern der neuesten Generation bietet eine sehr hohe Ausgangsleistung und präzise Klangabbildung. Der Anschluss an die Endstufe erfolgt über einen wasserdichten Amphenol-Mehrpolstecker. Ein pulverbeschichtetes Stahl-Frontgitter mit innenliegender, wasserabweisender Gewebebespannung mit offenporiger Faserschicht sorgt für einen zuverlässigen Schutz der Lautsprecher. Das Gehäuse aus Birken-Multiplex ist mit einem äußerst widerstandsfähigen, schwarzen Polyurea-Strukturlack beschichtet.</Description><Description language-id=\"es_ES\">El HS 2200 es un sistema de array de sub-bajos que incorpora un woofer de 18” y bobina móvil de 4.0”. El sistema es muy compacto y produce un elevado nivel de salida además de una precisa reproducción de música y voz. El sistema está equipado con la última generación de transductores de precisión de RCF. Las conexiones al amplificador se realizan por medio de un conector multiclavija impermeable Amphenol. La rejilla está perforada a medida en acero acabado con epoxi, con espuma de celda abierta y un refuerzo de tela tejida repelente al agua. La carcasa está construida en contrachapado marino de abedul Báltico de múltiples capas, y acabado con un revestimiento granulado de poliurea negra muy resistente.</Description><Description language-id=\"fr_FR\">Le HS 2200 est un module array subwoofer équipé d'un woofer 18\" avec bobine mobile 4\". Cette enceinte très compacte produit un niveau de sortie particulièrement élevé et assure la reproduction précise des voix et de la musique. Le système est équipé de transducteurs RCF Precision de dernière génération. La connexion à l'amplificateur s'effectue par le biais d'un connecteur multibroche Amphenol étanche. La grille spéciale en acier perforé recouverte d'époxy et associée à une couche de mousse en fibres à alvéoles ouverts qui repousse l'eau. Le coffret est fabriqué en multipli de bouleau de la Baltique recouvert de peinture polyuréthane noire sablée extrêmement résistante.</Description><Description language-id=\"it_IT\">HS 2200 è un subwoofer array che incorpora un woofer da 18” con bobina mobile da 4,0”. Pur essendo molto compatto, il sistema offre una potenza elevata e una riproduzione accurata della voce e del suono. È equipaggiato con l’ultima generazione di trasduttori RCF Precision. I collegamenti all’amplificatore avvengono tramite un connettore multipolare Amphenol a tenuta stagna. La griglia con rivestimento epossidico è realizzata in acciaio perforato ed è dotata di uno strato interno idrorepellente in fibra a cellule aperte. Il cabinet è costruito in multistrato marino di betulla del Baltico, con rivestimento in vernice poliurea goffrata nera molto resistente.</Description></root>, type=PRODOTTO, accessoryTypeCode=, publication=RCF, ratio=100, readMoreURL=, youTubeVideos=-ebiDm9JlSs, youTubeURL=, active=true}"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace. ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${relatedProduct.getLineTitle(locale)} [in template "20101#20128#819037" at line 171, column 73] ----
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")>
2<#assign journalArticleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data>
3<#assign journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil"]>
4<#assign assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil"]>
5<#assign articleResourcePK = journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil.getArticleResourcePrimKey(groupId, journalArticleId)/>
6<#assign categoryList=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle",articleResourcePK) >
7<#assign LayoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")>
8<#assign parentLayout = LayoutLocalService.getLayout(layout.getAncestorPlid()) />
9<#assign parentLayoutUrl = parentLayout.getFriendlyURL(locale) />
10<#assign journalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(scopeGroupId, journalArticleId) />
11<#assign relatedArticles = rcfTemplateHelper.getRelatedAssets(journalArticle, 'com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', 'News Liferay 6.2') />
12<#assign relatedProducts = rcfTemplateHelper.getRelatedAssets(journalArticle, 'it.dvel.rcf.profile.integration.model.Product', '') />
14<div class="news-detail">
15 <div class="bg-white pb-5">
16 <div class="py-4 px-2 bg-lighter mb-7 to-back">
17 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl">
18 <a href="javascript: window.history.back();" class="d-flex align-items-center">
19 <i class="icon-arrow-right-custom"></i>
20 <span class="pl-3"><@liferay.language key="back" /></span>
21 </a>
22 </div>
23 </div>
24 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl px-4">
25 <div class="mb-2">
26 <span class="font-weight-medium category mr-3">
27 <#list categoryList as category>
28 <span class="pr-3">${category.getName()}</span>
29 </#list>
30 </span>
31 <span class="date">
32 <#setting time_zone = languageUtil.get(locale, "template-timezone") />
33 <#assign originalLocale = locale />
34 <#setting locale = localeUtil.getDefault() />
35 <#assign displaydate = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data>
36 <#assign displaydate = displaydate?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")>
37 <#setting locale = originalLocale />
38 ${displaydate?string["dd MMM yyyy"]}
39 </span>
40 </div>
42 <#if (FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013.getData())??>
43 <h1 class="mb-4 font-family-narrow-normal px-0">${FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013.getData()}</h1>
44 </#if>
46 <#if FieldsGroup52652497.Upload45315688.getSiblings()?has_content>
47 <div class="mb-6">
48 <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme" id="owl-carousel-hp">
49 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.Upload45315688.getSiblings() as cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688>
50 <div class="slide d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" style="background-image:url(${cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688.getData()})">
51 </div>
52 </#list>
53 </div>
54 </div>
55 <div class="d-none">
56 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.Upload45315688.getSiblings() as cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688>
57 <img src="${cur_FieldsGroup52652497_Upload45315688.getData()}" />
58 </#list>
59 </div>
60 </#if>
63 <div class="d-md-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mb-md-9 mb-5">
64 <div class="social h6 mb-0 py-2 pl-2 mb-3 mb-md-0">
65 <#assign currentUrl = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() />
66 <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=${currentUrl}&title=${FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013.getData()}" class="px-2" target="_blank">
67 <i class="icon-linkedin-custom px-1"></i>
68 </a>
69 <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=${currentUrl}" class="px-2" target="_blank">
70 <i class="icon-facebook-custom px-1"></i>
71 </a>
72 <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=${currentUrl}" class="px-2" target="_blank">
73 <i class="icon-twitter-custom px-1"></i>
74 </a>
75 </div>
76 </div>
77 </div>
78 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl px-md-7 px-lg-9 px-4">
79 <#if FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.getSiblings()?has_content>
80 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.getSiblings() as node>
81 <div class="mb-md-7 mb-4">
82 <#if (FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.Text94801507.getData())??>
83 <h6 class="mb-md-6 mb-4">${node.Text94801507.getData()}</h6>
84 </#if>
85 <#if (node.RichText63313118.getData())??>
86 <div class="mb-md-7 mb-4 paragraph font-family-narrow-normal">
87 ${node.RichText63313118.getData()}
88 </div>
89 </#if>
90 <#if (node.RichText45781737.getData())??>
91 <div class="row mb-md-7 mb-4">
92 <#if (node.Image42436245.getData())?? && node.Image42436245.getData() != "">
93 <div class="col-md-8 mb-4 mb-md-0">
94 <img alt="${node.Image42436245.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${node.Image42436245.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${node.Image42436245.getData()}" class="w-100"/>
95 </div>
96 <#if (node.RichText45781737.getData())?? && node.RichText45781737.getData() != "">
97 <div class="col-md-4 font-family-narrow-normal">
98 ${node.RichText45781737.getData()}
99 </div>
100 </#if>
101 <#else>
102 <#if (node.RichText45781737.getData())?? && node.RichText45781737.getData() != "">
103 <div class="col-md-12 font-family-narrow-normal">
104 ${node.RichText45781737.getData()}
105 </div>
106 </#if>
107 </#if>
108 </div>
109 </#if>
110 <#if (node.Text34883111.getData())?? && node.Text34883111.getData() != "">
111 <div class="blockquote font-family-narrow-normal position-relative mb-7">
112 ${node.Text34883111.getData()}
113 </div>
114 </#if>
115 </div>
116 </#list>
117 </#if>
118 <#if FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup17972647.getData() !=''>
119 <div class="mb-md-7 mb-4">
120 <#list FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup17972647.getSiblings() as node>
121 <div class="mb-2">
122 <#if (node.Text21652173.getData())??>
123 <a target="_blank" href="${node.Text21652173.getData()}" class="d-flex align-items-center font-family-narrow-normal">
124 <i class="icon-download-custom mr-3 h5 font-weight-normal mb-0"></i>
125 <#if node.Text31160069.getData() !=''>
126 ${node.Text31160069.getData()}
127 <#else>
128 <@liferay.language key="download" />
129 </#if>
130 </a>
131 </#if>
132 </div>
133 </#list>
134 </div>
135 </#if>
136 </div>
137 </div>
139 <#if relatedProducts?has_content>
140 <div class="bg-lighter">
141 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl pt-7 pb-8 px-4">
142 <h5 class="font-weight-normal mb-5 text-center secondary"><@liferay.language key="related-products" /></h5>
143 <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme" id="owl-carousel-rel-prod">
144 <#list relatedProducts as relatedProduct>
145 <#assign productFeatures = relatedProduct.getProductFeatures(true) />
146 <#assign productBadges2 = relatedProduct.getBadges(2) />
147 <#assign productBadges1 = relatedProduct.getBadges(1) />
149 <div class="related-news related-prod mb-4 mb-md-0 h-100">
150 <div class="bg-white h-100 p-5 position-relative rounded-sm d-flex flex-column">
151 <#if productBadges2?has_content>
152 <#assign productStatusStyle = productBadges2[0].getBackColor() />
153 <div class="status px-4 mb-5 pt-3" style="border-color:${productStatusStyle}!important">
154 <#list productBadges2 as productBadge2>
155 <div class="border-0 badge" style="color: ${productBadge2.getBackColor()}">${productBadge2.getCode()}</div>
156 </#list>
157 </div>
158 </#if>
159 <div class="image d-flex align-items-end mb-5">
160 <a data-senna-off="true" href="${portal.getLayoutFullURL(relatedProduct.getFirstAvailableLayout(rcfCurrentPublication), themeDisplay)}" class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
161 <img src="${relatedProduct.getFirstAvailableCoverImageURL(rcfCurrentPublication, themeDisplay)}" class="w-100" />
162 </a>
163 </div>
164 <div class="status normal mb-4 pt-3">
165 <#list productBadges1 as productBadge1>
166 <div class="border-0 badge" style="background-color: ${productBadge1.getBackColor()}; color: ${productBadge1.getFontColor()};">${productBadge1.getCode()}</div>
167 </#list>
168 </div>
169 <div class="mb-4">
170 <div class="meta font-weight-medium underline mb-3">
171 ${relatedProduct.getLineTitle(locale)}
172 </div>
173 <h4 class="font-weight-medium mb-3 text-uppercase">${relatedProduct.name}</h4>
174 <p class="mb-3 font-weight-medium text-uppercase">${relatedProduct.getSubtitle(locale)}</p>
175 <small class="mb-3 font-family-narrow-normal d-block">
176 <ul class="mb-5 font-family-narrow-normal px-0">
177 <#list productFeatures as productFeature>
178 <li>${productFeature.getTitle(locale)}
179 </#list>
180 </ul>
181 </small>
182 </div>
183 <div class="mt-auto">
184 <#if relatedProduct.hasLayout(rcfCurrentPublication)>
185 <a data-senna-off="true" href="${portal.getLayoutFullURL(relatedProduct.getFirstAvailableLayout(rcfCurrentPublication), themeDisplay)}" class="btn btn-link-normal">
186 <@liferay.language key="learn-more" />
187 </a>
188 </#if>
189 </div>
190 </div>
191 </div>
192 </#list>
193 </div>
194 </div>
195 </div>
196 </#if>
198 <#if relatedArticles?has_content>
199 <div class="container-fluid container-fluid-max-xl pt-8 pb-4 px-4">
200 <h5 class="font-weight-normal mb-5 text-center"><@liferay.language key="other" /> <@liferay.language key="news" /></h5>
201 <div class="row pt-7">
202 <#list relatedArticles as relatedArticle>
203 <#assign categoryListEntry=assetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle",relatedArticle.resourcePrimKey) >
204 <#assign imageURL = rcfTemplateHelper.getJournalArticleField(relatedArticle, locale, 'FieldsGroup52652497.Upload45315688', 'url') />
205 <#assign title = rcfTemplateHelper.getJournalArticleField(relatedArticle, locale, 'FieldsGroup52652497.Text78515013') />
206 <#assign entryTitle = relatedArticle.getTitle(locale) />
207 <#if validator.isNull(title)>
208 <#assign title = entryTitle />
209 </#if>
210 <#assign summary = relatedArticle.getDescription(locale) />
211 <#assign text = rcfTemplateHelper.getJournalArticleField(relatedArticle, locale, 'FieldsGroup52652497.FieldsGroup95339333.RichText63313118') />
212 <#if validator.isNull(summary)>
213 <#assign summary = text />
214 </#if>
215 <div class="col-md-6 related-news mb-5">
216 <div class="bg-white h-100">
217 <div class="image bg-secondary" style="background-image:url(${imageURL})">
218 </div>
219 <div class="p-5 pb-8">
220 <div class="meta">
221 <span class="font-weight-medium pr-3 text-uppercase">
222 <#list categoryListEntry as category>
223 ${category.getName()}
224 </#list>
225 </span>
226 <span>
227 ${relatedArticle.createDate?string["dd MMM yyyy"]}
228 </span>
229 </div>
230 <h6 class="font-weight-medium mb-3">
231 ${title}
232 </h6>
233 <small class="mb-5 font-family-narrow-normal d-block">${stringUtil.shorten(htmlUtil.stripHtml(summary), 250)}</small>
234 <a href="/-/${relatedArticle.urlTitle}" class="btn btn-link-normal">
235 <@liferay.language key="learn-more" />
236 </a>
237 </div>
238 </div>
239 </div>
240 </#list>
241 </div>
242 </div>
243 </#if>
246 var owl = $("#owl-carousel-hp").owlCarousel({
247 loop:true,
248 nav:false,
249 dots:true,
250 items:1
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252 $("#owl-carousel-rel-prod").owlCarousel({
253 margin:20,
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255 dots:true,
256 items:3,
257 responsive : {
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259 items:1
260 },
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262 items:2
263 },
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265 items:3
266 }
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272 @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 768px){
273 .news-detail #owl-carousel-hp .slide {
274 height:400px
275 }
276 }
277 @media only screen and (max-width: 600px){
278 .news-detail #owl-carousel-hp .slide {
279 height:200px
280 }
281 }
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