advanced digital FiR technology
Transparent sound, absolute clarity and perfect imaging
RCF speakers are designed using a proprietary and advanced digital FiR technology, conceived to deliver transparent sound, absolute clarity and perfect imaging to the listener.
The special FiRPHASE filters allow for coherent distribution of sound for all listeners without phase distortions, ensuring minimum latencies in the system.
Phase matters
The design of the FIR filter for this specific purpose starts from an accurate measurement of the loudspeaker phase.
FiRPHASE algorithm uses this measurement and adapts the loudspeaker’s phase without touching the amplitude equalization. The heart of the advanced technique used by FiRPHASE is a recursive method (least-squares method) combined with a proprietary algorithm that calculates the best FIR filter coefficients set in according to amplitude and phase constraints. The algorithm corrects phase and amplitude (if necessary) by taking into account the weak points of the transducers and the resonances or cancellations due to the cabinet of the loudspeaker. This technique allows a deep control of phase at the mid-low frequency with relatively small filters, reaching a higher resolution than that one as theory suggests.